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at the end of the day, you Shut up.


Monday, May 17, 2010, 7:10 AM

It's must have been millions of years since, well, yeah.
Longstory. Longstory.
Been away to look for some homeschooling shit.
But after much consideration and stuff,
we settled down with private school.

I'm finally back. Feels great.
I sure missed my life here.
And it's been months since I saw weijie.
That stupid bastard must have been really bored without me (:(:

So now Weijie and I transferred to a private school.
My parents are very demanding.
It kills me.

So I visited Tiffany and the girls before I came back.
They seem, lively, as usual.
Can't wait to start studying and exercising.
I tell you, I look really different now.
I think I'm way over overweight. ):
I'm going to leave now, suckers.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010, 3:13 AM

Hey guys...

Just came back from school.

And I haven't blogged ever since I came back from hell, haven't I?
Oh, just to let you guys know, hell refers to countless shopping trips and never-ending walking around shopping malls.

Ian Couture who always been quite for shopping has finally felt that he had shopped so much there, he need not visit any shopping malls for maybe forever.
okay, maybe not.

Talked to Rainie when I came back.
Realised that many things have been.. more complicated than I thought they would be.

I guess, I'm not the only one.

So, I'm kinda fucked up because I'm grounded for no apparent reason. For six fucking months.

I'm turning suicidal. Not really, but please do get the point.
Basketball practices have been horrible.
Break dancing classes are like shit.
Tuition are for losers.
And I'm stuck with doing all that.
Okay, I guess my life does suck a little more because of these activities.
Nevermind, I'll get over it.
I shall go now. :D

Tuesday, December 22, 2009, 7:25 AM

In my heart,
You're made up of two very different emotions.
Happiness and Pain.

So to reduce the pain, I have to sacrifice the happiness.
But if i want more happiness, the more the pain comes.

Everything in my life has traces of you.
My house, where you've been.
My computer, which you used.
The tiles of my floor, where you stepped on.
My handphone, which you checked.
My basketball, which you loved.
My life, which was yours.

You know, when _____ unknowingly talked about you,
I used to think that I should be over you.
But then, these emotions suddenly came out.
All the pain and happiness, all coming back.
Bittersweet. Yes.

I make myself sound so fucking retarded.
Letting myself fall into this and thinking I'm the only one who hurts.
I know you might feel the same way, just that you're keeping quiet,
I don't think I can keep this on anymore.
It hurts me to see how much it hurts you.
I don't want to do this to you, you know.
I know that if you feel better, I'll get better too.
I know that I want you to feel happy, even if it isn't me who can make you happy.

What the hell am I saying man.
I just got very.. pissed. I don't even know why.
Stupid girl.

Monday, December 21, 2009, 3:44 AM

Nothing lasts forever.

So as life goes on, there would eventually be goodbyes.

Would we face it with courage and leave everything behind gracefully?
Or would we hang on to the memories and suffer in the pain?

Its not easy to put down everything gracefully because you can't simply hit the "erase" button. It doesn't exist. So we have to face the cruel reality.

The pain would be excruciating.
It's impossible to leave. I've let myself sink too deep.

I'm so stupid. I couldn't see clearly how much it meant to you.

I can't leave now. I've left myself go too far.
But I must. I don't belong with you anymore.
I'm not yours anymore. You're not mine either.

You have your choices, and I have mine.

My choice is you but your choice might not be me.
I'm scared you know.
I don't know when you'll eventually tell me to go because I annoy you so fucking much.
I abhor my actions.
I detest myself sometimes.

Why can't I be like other people?
They make it seem so easy to leave.

I can only cling on, struggle painfully.
So now, I'm gonna let go of you.
You deserve something better.

I'll be alright, I'm dead serious.

But, being such a jerk, I'm gonna let myself do this one last time.

Christmas, our .. supposedly 1 year anniversary, if we had stayed together.

My last chance, hope.
Whatever it is, its the last time I'll ever bother you.

I can let you go after that.
I won't hold on to you anymore.
I'll move on. Really.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009, 3:54 AM

It's funny how things can change so drastically in just a matter of days, isn't it?

You know, Tiffany, no matter how much I reprimand you for being that way,
you just seem to ignore what I say.

Because you are unlike any other,
You don't put up safety precautions when it comes to relationships.

You fall hard for the guy, and you crash just as hard.
You're not protecting yourself enough.

I told you millions of times, one after another, and I'm going to say it again.
"Stop being so selfless, people take advantage of that."

And when you simply smile and look away, I know you aren't going to do what I adviced.
That's when the harm really comes, you know.

People find out that you can just let go of something you cherish with all your heart so easily,
they start taking advantage of that.

They think that it's okay to leave you there, nobody would realise because you always have that dumb smile hung on your face. You seriously make it seem as if it's really okay to stab you in the heart and walk away because you make it seem that way.

Stop it, Tiffany. I don't want you like this.
I'm seriously warning you,
Don't fucking let people take advantage of you.
Fight for what you want.
Fight for what you love.
Fight for the sake of not being left there bleeding your heart out and no one actually realises it.
Because we all care about you.
We really do.
And by secluding yourself and not letting us understand how you really feel, makes us hurt.
It's not going to do any good.

And I will apologize, Tiffany, if this post sounds as if I'm scolding you.
Because I'm not.
I'm doing my job as your brother that have seen you grow up.
Because I know you're not that kind of people that will snatch away other people's happiness for your own.
You're too kind, Tiffany.
Too kind for your own good.

I just found the need to tell you this after I saw what Joyce had said on your blog.
Because I really didn't realised that you were that hurt.
I'm sorry, Tiffany.
For coming too late, not protecting you in time.

I broken our promise.
I failed once again, and I disappointed you once again, Tiffany.
I have failed greatly on my part..


Sunday, November 1, 2009, 1:22 AM

Decided to update my blog.
And I have a lot of things to address, so too bad.
First, to all who are concerned.
Tiffany and I are FINE.
Can you just stop asking about it.
Because we are darn right over that damn thing.
Why the hell are you still living in the past.
Stupid bitch, stop asking already.
I can't believe it.
People can't seem to change.
I told her before, and now shes at it again.
Its okay to make a mistake. But at least learn from it.
Its stupid to repeat your mistake.
Actually, those weren't the reasons why I decided to post something.
As a matter of fact, I'm going to address my main issue, now.

I'm sorry for being such a bastard the other day.
I don't even know what is going on in my head.
I guess I just couldn't face it.
I guess I couldn't face the fact that you guys are, once again, leaving.
Not that I can actually interfere or anything, but. I guess my reaction was just too much, you know.
And I would like to apologize for such a late post on this because I guess I couldn't talk about it openly before.
Denial, that's why.
I'm so stupid.
I'm sorry, Tiffany. And Joyce.
Thanks for answering my call the other day, to accept my apology.
What a scene I must have made.
Okay, I finally got over the embarrassing and mushy part over.
I think part of me just died.
Okay, I'm going to hide in my corner and never come out again.
My mom agreed to let me visit Tiffany and Stacy at Switzerland.
:D:D (which also means I get to skip training during the holidays.)
Short and fat.

Saturday, October 24, 2009, 9:41 AM

Apparently, my blog is "dead".
Whoever who came up with that term is just plain stupid.
*cough* Phinonia *cough*
Life has been hectic.
Exams screwed up my life,
Basketball practice has been postponed. :D
I swear, exams can kill your sperms. O:
And then your balls will roll off.
Kea's balls would roll off if I hugged him, I swear X:

Okay, I shall be more discreet.
I don't really feel like typing.
So, I'm just gonna fill it up with photos.
Pathetic. Photos.

Yes, that's me. Last year, I think.
Short. And fat. Just like Phinonia O:

I have been deprived of arcade games for the past, I don't know, years.

I can't do it. My legs are horrible.
Oh by the way, that's Weijie's Malaysia house.
Somewhere at Malacca or something. It's huge, and cool.
Ps, I have a fat and short sister. Be envious.

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